Friday, May 20, 2011

hi the 28th of june and it will soon be england time.

I am drowing in work I don't know how I am going to get it all done befor we leave on the 28th of june. I looking forward to going home as exspected but I feel nevous as well because things always seem so diffrent. I always took pride in being apart of everything but now every time I go home it makes me feel like I don't know what happened and I'm no longer apart of it. It dosen't help that I don't have my own space, last time this gave me some real deppression. But I am determened to have fun this time, and ignor the fact that my sister is spilling all my embarrsing secrets, and the small fact that she hates me. I mean I can live with annoying people because I am annoying but chloe can't because she dosn't relise she is annoying. But because I such a nice person and for some strang reason I can't keep a gruge, I am going to tell chloe that her email profile says she is a 21 year old man, because that is who I really am. I think it's a shame no one sees the real me which is why I so mean all the time because it wouldn't matter if I was nice chloe would still think I evil and hate me. Anyway so I can end on a possitive note I watched avater the last air beander it was so cool I loved it. your pal lex x x

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

party planner

one of my dream jobs was to be a party planner and now I am planning kiki's party it's so much fun. I still have to bake a cake, go shopping and make 6 party bags. kiki wants a no boys animal sleep over. got to go, see you soon.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

face painting for 3 hours

hi I am about to go to the rugby club. last time I went I was face painting for 3 hours. I am really enjoying the percy jackson books at the moment I all ready finished 2 of them. I have a friend named sophie I was playing with her younger sister phoebe when we met now we have great fun I draw tons of pictures for her. I am making a comic for her as well. got to go.
P.S I am writting a scriped for the best movie ever. byb