Tuesday, November 30, 2010


moving next week to our new home can so wait I hate moving. I can't wait in 11 days I will be face painting at the school and getting paied for it! I am so buzy packing I have berly anytime to work, and I have to sort all my stuff witch is annoying because all my stuff is on my bed and I can't get in it let alone sleep in it! I just did this cool henna on my hand(photo above). last time I did henna I put to much on 1 spot and got a chemical burn. Don't forget tommorow we open are advent canlders!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

the huge epic mistake

I was at the rugby club the other night not too evil now I have a friend but she is so annoying omg I made such a big mistake I mean a huge epic mistake, let me exsplain. There is a boy envoled ok, so his name is nick or nicholas and he is the older brother of the evil little boy james (theo's friend) who pulled my bikini top off in the pool, he is also the older brother of lucy a nice little girl that's a friend of kiki, any way he was there witch is weird because he is never there and my annoying friend went up to him and his friend and I freaked out shouting WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING and STOP and then I ran away. so now I embaressed because I must of look really stupied. so as much as she makes the rugby club bearble she is annoyingly EVIL!

Friday, November 19, 2010

married to theo who is this person.

yesterday I met 1 of Chloe's friend she is 11 and was very mad she kept saying she was in love with Theo and that they were married. my dad's birthday is coming up soon I want to make him a cake.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

done 700 words.

finally I have done my essay, but I am 2 weeks behind in other work. why do I have to be having so much fun instead of working? well got to go working on a special project.
lex x x